Roda / Resorts

What is unparalleled about Roda, a resort located precisely in the center of the northern coastline of Corfu, is that in concert with the nearby Akharavi it yields the largest beach in the entire Corfu, an 8 kilometer stretch of sand and pebbles which, by force of its dimensions, manages to provide free spots despite the huge flow of tourists arriving in Roda. And, despite the fact that Roda has given a lot of its original Greek features unspoiled by tourism to the development of tourist infrastructure, becoming, thus, a destination lacking any personality, it is highly appreciated by tourists in search of mere sunbathing and beach enabled activities.

The resort of Roda is literally replete with hotels and other establishments offering accommodation services and facilities, and the countless taverns, bars and restaurants complement by their specific services the contribution of the above-mentioned establishments to the tourist platform of Roda. Roda also has quite a reputation with respect to nightlife, being often cited as a hub of Corfu in this respect. Buses departing from Corfu Town need about an hour and 15 minutes or so to get to Roda, so one can say this resort is conveniently close located to the capital of the island. In Roda tourists are kept busy by the boat hiring opportunities in view of making trips by sea to the nearby resorts, such as Kassiopi and Sidari, and its blue flagged beach is a typical stretch – its length aside – carpeted with sun umbrellas and lounge chairs and fitted with plenty of sports facilities.

A possible objective often overlooked by tourists refers to the vestiges of a Doric temple dating back to the 5th century BC, but, as said, this landmark is highly unlikely to be of interest as far as typical visitors of Roda are concerned. All in all, Roda is an expression of the way Corfu understood to give way to tourism development; yet, it is not symbolic of the entire island, a feature some may take as a benefit, whereas others as a drawback.

Attractions in Corfu


What Ipsos is truly unique by refers to the fact that this eastern resort of Corfu is unmatched with respect to its success and popularity with brit youth


Moraitika Beach

Nearby Corfu Town another excellent beach is located, that is, the Moraitika Beach, on the eastern side of the island.


Gouvia Beach

When it comes to beaches extremely closely located to Corfu Town, the Gouvia Beach must not be overlooked.

