Kassiopi / Resorts

It takes only 45 minutes for the KTEL operated green buses to reach from Corfu Town to Kassiopi, another popular northeastern resort in Corfu. Given that the beaches pertaining to this resort are not as easily accessible as expected, the resort is most often frequented by youngsters, families opting for other less challenging beaches in Corfu. However, the scenery offered by the several headlands in Kassiopi is worth all the trouble, a scenery complemented by the remains of a castle built in the 13th century and by another possible objective, namely, the Kassiopitissa Church, allegedly built on the remains of a former temple dedicated to Zeus. And, indeed, countless tourists seem to appreciate this feature, their fondness for this resort being substantiated by the continuously increasing number of visitors each year.

The beaches consist of rather pebbly stretches, but the fact that most of them are satisfactorily endowed with sports facilities and boat hiring opportunities turns them into genuine hubs of the resort. The resort, for that matter, has a rather atypical dash as compared with other resorts in Corfu, given that accommodation is provided mainly by villas, which has led to the preservation of a certain Greek air of the place. Yet, few hotels and a fair offer of apartments for rent are available in Kassiopi, which is why no tourist is likely to complain about accommodation is this resort. In terms of eating, Sze Chuan is a rather, again, atypical but appreciated presence, since it stands out as one of the few Chinese restaurants in Corfu and in the Greek islands, for that matter. Plenty other alternatives in terms of eating venues are available in Kassiopi, but one should always sample the Greek specialties served by certain specialized taverns and restaurants.

However, what is conclusive of Kassiopi is the fact that, just as Ipsos or Dassia, the resort is one where the thriving nightlife can not be overlooked, which is no wonder since the resort is mostly frequented by youngsters. Angelos Bar might be cited as one of the most popular venues in terms of nightlife opportunities in Kassiopi. But regardless of the significant tourism development, what is appreciable about Kassiopi is it has managed to preserve a certain Greek air, combining into an exquisitely balanced formula the tourist impact and the original underlying Greek charm of the place.

Attractions in Corfu

Trips from Corfu to Albania

Given its location in the Ionian Sea, Corfu – which is the northernmost of all significant Ionian Island – makes possible trips to Albania (port of Saranda)


The Public Library of Corfu

The Public Library of Corfu hosted by Palaio Frourio along with English Barracks. Corfu Island.


Agios Gordis Beach

On the western side of Corfu, one of the most picturesque beaches is represented by the Agios Gordis Beach which offers stunning sceneries

