Trips from Corfu to Albania / Excursions

Given its location in the Ionian Sea, Corfu – which is the northernmost of all significant Ionian Island – makes possible plenty of options in terms of daytrips to the nearby hotspots. Trips to the other Ionian Islands go without saying, but the Greek and the Albanian coastlines are just as tempting and they stand out as interesting manners of diversifying the time spent in Corfu. The Albanian coastline is only 40 minutes far from Corfu Town, the main entrance point in Albania by sea being the port of Saranda. Tourists’ entrance in Albania is further facilitated by the fact that no visa is required, and what they want to keep themselves busy with is up to them. Some of the major Albanian hotspots refer to the nearby Roman vestiges, but the options of spending leisure time will be selected according to tourists’ priorities and expectations.

Attractions in Corfu

Barbati Beach

20 kilometers north from Corfu Town there is the Barbati Beach, a stretch yielding a spectacular scenery since it brings into a fortunate alliance the landscape


Corfu Byzantine Museum

Corfu Byzantine Museum, besides its historic relevance, is also religiously valuable, since, first of all, it is hosted by the Panagia Antivouniotissa Church


Solomos Museum

Solomos Museum of Corfu is consigned to honoring the life and work of Dionysios Solomos, the national poet of Greece, who produced the national anthem.

